
Grill your Crab Legs to Perfection!

King Crab Legs

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Crab Legs

Grill your Crab Legs to Perfection!

Why keep the smoky flavor reserved for just sirloin? King crab legs, Dungeness, and snow crab clusters get a rustic flavor with a char-grilling. Baste the legs, knuckles, and joints with a creamy herbal butter. This attention to detail enhances the briny sweet meat with a buttery tenderness. Combined together, a definite cookout “feel” comes from such a thoughtful grilling. The taste signals a special event, good times with neighbors and family. Fill a plastic basket, adorned with a checkered napkin with a few smoky crab legs. Don’t forget a ramekin filled with some of that buttery herbal butter. Oregano, basil, or even Old Bay Seasoning gives even the dipping experience a memorable moment! Our chefs recommend serving grilled corn-on-the-cob sprinkled with Old Bay, Cajun Shrimp Salad, and homemade sour dough rolls as costars to the main event.

Let’s Get Grilling.

Prepare for a Smooth Start. Separate the frozen clusters and legs from each other. Preheat the gas grill to 350-400 °F or achieve a solid orange glow from the charcoal in your hibachi. Remove a small leg from either your snow crab or Dungeness as a tester leg. If you placed only king crab on the menu, find the smallest portion to test.

Put on that chef hat! Place the legs evenly on the grates and brush both sides with herbal butter. A buttery smokiness will permeate the meat. For 3-4 minutes, grill one side and turn to cook the other. At this point, crack the test leg to check the meat. If it’s gray, continue cooking, but if it appears red on the edges and opaque in the center, the crabs are ready.

Serve while hot. Crab meat tastes best muy caliente, so quickly fill a basket for each guest. Claw crackers, seafood forks and mallets make the adventure complete. If you’re grilling large amounts and not every leg finds a “first round” basket, raise the grates to keep the legs warm for “seconds.” Time to savor crab legs grilled to perfection!

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